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Induction Melting iron powder; pucks for analysisInduction Melting iron powder; pucks for analysis

To heat a sample of iron powder for an induction melting application; the client manufactures metal powders

Induction Melting of Ni based alloy samplesInduction Melting of Ni based alloy samples

Induction melting provides hands-free heating, involves no operator skill required for manufacturing, even distribution of heating and fast, controllable temperature ramp

Heating a crucible for Melting plasticHeating a crucible for Melting plastic

A single-position 6-turn helical coil is used to generate the required heating for application. The crucible is heated in 70 seconds with the 5kW power supply.

Induction Melting silicon in graphite crucible for material testingInduction Melting silicon in graphite crucible for material testing

The customer is developing a university lab experiment to induction melt silicon and is still developing the process.

Induction Melting lead ingots to form battery posts and connectorsInduction Melting lead ingots to form battery posts and connectors

Induction Melting 30 lb(13.6 kg) & 60 lb(27.2 kg) lead ingots to form battery posts & connectors

Induction Melting the end of a plastic tube to create a sealInduction Melting the end of a plastic tube to create a seal

A single turn coil encapsulated in custom blocks is used for sealing the tube. Two tubes are placed between the coil blocks and a 7lb (3.2kg) load is applied to the top of the coil.

Crucible Melting a variety of materials in a nitrogen atmosphereCrucible Melting a variety of materials in a nitrogen atmosphere

The crucible is heated using an induction coil with a four turn pancake at the base that extends upward into a three turn helical coil.

Induction Melting aluminum in a graphite crucible for castingInduction Melting aluminum in a graphite crucible for casting

Induction melting provides hands-free heating that involves no operator skill for manufacturing, repeatable, dependable results, more efficient and cost effective then gas furnace, does not heat up the manufacturing area and increases production.

Hermetic sealing: SS rods & glass preformsHermetic sealing: SS rods & glass preforms

Induction melting provides hands-free heating that involves no operator skill for manufacturing, amounts of glass are precisely controlled by the glass preforms and even flow of glass creates aesthetically pleasing bond.

Remove plastic coating from steel tubesRemove plastic coating from steel tubes

Induction melting is the only feasible way to remove the plastic coating, leaving it in an unpolluted form for recycling. It is a faster process

Releasing a Lens Grinding Fixture BondReleasing a Lens Grinding Fixture Bond

The bonded assembly is placed (glass up) within a helical coil which circles the bonding slug. Induction heats the material to the melting point in 5-7 seconds.

Induction Melting Glass for Fiber DrawingInduction Melting Glass for Fiber Drawing

To heat a metal susceptor vessel to 2200°F within 25 minutes with induction for a fiberglass melting application

Induction Melting of Ticonium and Nobilium ingotsInduction Melting of Ticonium and Nobilium ingots

Due to the small size of the ingots, RF induction melting was required to efficiently couple to the samples in order to provide the necessary power to initiate melting.

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