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Using Induction for Nanoparticle Heating

Nanoparticle Heating with Ambrell Induction

Nanoparticle Heating with Ambrell Induction

Nanoparticles are particles between 1 and 100 nanometers (nm) in size that are of significant interest to the scientific community because of their applications in a wide range of fields. For example, induction heating systems are used in hyperthermia (or thermotherapy) to generate alternating magnetic fields in the laboratory to elevate and manage the temperature of a solution of nanoparticles.

The medical research community has become particularly interested in induction heating because it is a convenient and flexible method to deliver high-strength magnetic fields to nanoparticles, resulting in a focused and targeted treatment. Hyperthermia, for example, is a type of cancer treatment that involves heating cancer cells within the body. High doses of heat can kill cancer cells and reduce the size of tumors. 


We have an extensive listing of application notes and articles related to nanoparticle heating. Nanoparticle Heating Using Induction in Hyperthermia was written by Dr. Girish Dahake from THE LAB at Ambrell and it offers a great overview. There are other articles where authors cite their use of Ambrell induction heating systems for hyperthermia and nanoparticle research. Finally, there is a selection of application notes from our Applications Laboratory. 


We offer tailored solutions for nanoparticle and hyperthermia research. Whether you're looking to perform research for the optical, electronic or medical fields, we can help.  Contact us if you'd like to discuss your nanoparticle heating application and learn more about applications testing from THE LAB at Ambrell. 


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