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Induction Soldering Applications Brochure Now Available

Induction Soldering Applications Brochure

A new brochure that highlights induction soldering applications is now available. This brochure, which is titled "Improved Soldering with Induction Heating," reviews ten soldering applications that were tested by THE LAB at Ambrell. It also discusses what soldering is and why induction is often a good choice for soldering applications.


Our new soldering brochure highlights the following applications:

  • Soldering Four Fusible Copper Strips

  • Soldering a Pair of Magnetic Steel Pins

  • Soldering a Fine Copper Wire to a Connector Assembly

  • Soldering Steel Canister Reservoir for Sealing 

  • Soldering a Copper Wire and Contact Assembly

  • Soldering a Copper Tube to a Brass Flow Valve

  • Soldering Brass and Steel Radiator Caps

  • Soldering a Copper Lug and a Wire

  • Soldering Copper Tabs

  • Soldering a Rivet onto a Steel Tank Cap with Induction Heating

Here's an excerpt about soldering from the brochure:

Induction soldering is an induction process in which two separate pieces are fused together using a filler metal or other material that melts at a temperature below 427 ºC (800 ºF). The filler metal varies depending on the other components being joined, but the most common fillers for induction soldering include alloys such as tin-silver, tin-zinc, and tin-lead.

Soldering differs from brazing because it is performed at lower temperatures. When compared to brazing, soldering may have a slightly weaker joint, but that can be preferable for some applications such as those involving small components. Soldering differs from welding because it does not involve the melting of joints.

Click the button below to download our new induction soldering brochure today: 

Download Soldering Brochure


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