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Induction Shrink Fitting Steel Pipe Assemblies

Induction Shrink Fitting Steel Pipe Assemblies


A client needed to heat steel pipe assemblies for a shrink fitting application. The end products are glass processing systems. THE LAB at Ambrell determined that an Ambrell EASYHEAT 7.5 kW, 150-400 kHz induction heating system with a specially designed multiple turn helical coil would be the right solution for this shrink fitting application.

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Initial tests were conducted to optimize the power delivered to the part and to
understand the heating patterns achieved. An optical imager was used to measure the temperature of the assembly during heating. It was observed that all provided assemblies could be heated with the recommended coil. Heating time ranged from 75 to 150 seconds depending on the size of the part and its wall thickness. This heating time was actually less than the client required.


For this application, induction heating offered numerous advantages. It delivered heat more quickly and efficiently than alternative heating options. Induction offers instant on/off heating and only heats the portion of the part that requires it, making it an efficient option for shrink fitting. Induction heating is also reliable as it provides the same result in the same amount of time every time, making it optimal for processes that demand reliability and consistency.

THE LAB at Ambrell has considerable experience with induction shrink fitting applications, which enabled them to deliver a solution that exceeded the client's requirements. To learn more about complimentary application testing, visit our page with more information about THE LAB to get the process started.

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