1 min read

Induction Heating Efficiency Comparison vs. Torch & Oven Heating



Induction heating coil designs


Induction heating is a highly efficient method of industrial heating. Compared to torch or oven heating, induction offers a number of advantages which results in significant energy savings. Let's take a look at them:

  • Induction Transfers More Power to the Load: Induction transfers heat directly to the part being heated. It's not unnecessarily heating a surrounding chamber (oven) or the surrounding environment (open flame). 
  • No Ramp Up: Ovens need pre-heating which results in energy and time loss. Ovens are also often kept on to prevent waiting due to ramp up, which results in additional energy expenditures. 
  • Work Environment: Other heating methods, like torch heating, can unnecessarily introduce heat into the work environment, thus wasting energy. With induction delivering heat primarily to the load, it saves energy and results in a better working environment. 
  • Precision: Induction delivers power only to where it is needed. This not only saves energy expenses, it can also enhance product quality. 

Of course, the efficiency of induction heating is dependent on additional factors. Let's take a quick look at them:

  • Characteristics of the Part: Magnetic materials heat more efficiently with induction than non-magnetic materials due to the hysteresis effect. Conductive materials like metals work best although susceptors can often be used with non-conductive materials. High resistivity metals (such as steel and carbon) heat more quickly than low resistivity metals (such as copper and aluminum). 
  • Coil Design:  A well-designed coil provides the right heating pattern for the part and maximizes the system's efficiency. 

If you're interested in making the switch to induction heating, be sure to reach out to THE LAB at Ambrell. Free applications testing is available, and they'll be sure you get the right system with the right coil design to maximize the efficiency of induction heating for your application. 


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