Soldering Cellular Phone Antenna


Soldering two brass tubes measuring 3/4" and 1/4" together for use as cellular phone antennas. The lengths of tubes range from four (4) feet to twelve (12) feet, and must be soldered along the axial side. The joint is to be made using 60/40 Tin Lead Solder and Kestor Rosin paste flux

End Product

Cellular Phone Antenna


Ambrell 5, 5kW output solid state induction power supply including one (1) remote heat station containing two (2) capacitors, and a unique five (5) turn channel coil made from 3/16" copper tubing and measuring 1 1/4" by 12"


Brass Tubes measuring 3/4" and 1/4" 60/40 Tin Lead Solder Kestor Rosin Flux


375 *F


85 kHz


The following results were achieved:

  • 375  °F was reached and the solder flowed after a heating period of 35 seconds.

  • A production rate of 24" per minute was determined to be adequate.

  • A quality solder fillet was observed after heating and cooling




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