Cure adhesives on the internal wall of a steel motor shaft to bond electronic stress/strain gauges into place.
End Product
Motor shaft
Ambrell 1kW induction heating system equipped with a remote workhead enclosure for double capacitor/buss modules. Zone 1 needs a 0.25 µF capacitor, while Zone
2 requires 0.66 µF
An induction heating coil designed and developed specifically for this application.
Steel shaft measuring 6.65" (168.9mm) OD, 5.5"(139.7mm) ID and 70" (1.8m) long. Aluminum shield plate and two end guide plates.
285°F(140.6°C) > 300°F(148.9°C)
160 kHz
A complex two coil system, shield and stud systems used to provide proper axial alignments of the shaft & coil while allowing the fixture to be open for removal of the shaft. The aluminum shield separates the two required heat zones. An average temperature of 290ºF(143.3ºC) is maintained for 1.5 hours.
Precise, accurate control of heat placement
Minimized coating defects
Repeatable results
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